Rat Exterminator Tips: How to Tell the Difference Of Rats vs Mice in Your Home
Which would you rather have in your home – rats or mice?
Well, sounds to most of us like a pick your poison question.
When we see evidence of rodents invading our sanctuaries, most of us just want them out, as soon as possible and we don’t care what they are.
Although rats and mice are equally unwanted and troublesome, there are several ways for homeowners to tell which ones they have. That’s important because then you can choose the most effective pest control option.
Read on for 5 tips from a rat exterminator to tell whether you have a rat or mice problem.
Let’s Start With Poop
Unsurprisingly, given the fairly large difference in size between rats and mice, their poop is also fairly easy to tell apart.
What Does Rat Poop Look Like?
In common with all rodents, rats and mice poop dry pellets.
However, rat poop is much longer – up to 3/4 inch in length. Its ends are rounded, not pointed.
What Does Mouse Poop Look Like?
Mouse poop looks more like very small, dark rice grains. The ends are usually more pointed and they are much shorter than those produced by rats, usually around 1/4 inch.
Treat Poop With Caution
A word to the wise on poop – it’s nasty stuff, and you need to be careful how you dispose of it. That’s true whether you identify it as coming from a rat or a mouse!
Both can spread disease and you should not just vacuum them up. Government advice is to wear gloves, cover them in a weak bleach solution and then wipe them away. Thoroughly clean the area afterward.
Poop is your first indication, but there are more clues that can help you make a definitive identification.
Now, Where You’ll Find Them
Rats and mice don’t tend to live in the same parts of the house, and that can give you another clue about what you’re dealing with.
Rat Residences
Rats usually nest in burrows and operate within a restricted radius of them. They usually only venture a few hundred feet away from their nests. This means that usually they’ll enter and leave the house, rather than nesting there.
The exception to this is the roof rat, which is found in Oregon.
They can live in the attic space and can even get into walls with cavities.
Mouse Manor
Mice on the other hand, definitely like to move in and make themselves at home.
They love hard to reach spots under the floorboard and down in the basement. Mice in walls can often be spotted by scratch or gnaw markings around small openings that allow them access into the cavity.
Another sign they’ve taken up residence are marks appearing on baseboards and walls.
You can try blocking up the places you suspect they’re gaining entry, but as with most DIY pest control, this is not recommended. Chances are, they’ll find another access point and you’ll be back to square one.
Next, What Do They Look Like?
You may even have the misfortune of coming face to face with one or more of these creatures. Even then, it can be difficult to identify them if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for.
The most common types of rats in Oregon are Norway Rats, or Brown Rats. The species of mouse you’re most likely to encounter in your home is the common House Mouse.
Rat vs Mouse
The first clue to whether you’re dealing with a rat or a mouse is their size.
Mice are much smaller than rats, usually only growing to a maximum length of 7 inches, tail included. By contrast, rats can be whoppers, growing up to 20 inches in length, including the tail.
The tail itself is also another giveaway – the tails of mice are thinner and hairier, whereas those of rats are thicker and hair-free. Rats are also usually darker in coloring.
Rats have more rounded noses, whereas those of mice are more pointed. There are even some differences in the number of nipples they have, but we’re guessing you won’t be inspecting them that closely.
It can be tricky to tell the difference between full-grown mice and immature rats, admittedly. However, these signs should give you an indication of what you’re dealing with.
Finally, How Do They Behave?
Mice are just small rats, right?
Wrong! In fact, they’re completely different species. This is borne out by the fact that they behave totally differently. Like cats and dogs, they might be living in the same space, but they each tackle the world in their own way.
Mice are fun loving, curious creatures who just love to explore and investigate their surroundings. They get up on their back legs, have a good look and sniff around and are always on the lookout for the newest thing.
Rats, on the other hand, are careful souls.
They’re wary, taking their time to suss out new environments. This makes them more difficult to catch than mice, who are easily enticed by traps offering something new and different.
Both can squeeze through tiny spaces and move like the wind – an 8 mph top speed might not seem like much written down, but it’s amazing how fast it is when you’re trying to catch them.
The Bottom Line – Get the Rat Exterminator In!!
Rats vs mice – now you’re thoroughly acquainted with them, which would you rather have in your house?
Yeah, neither!
Rats and mice will both bring disease into your home and cause damage to structures. Not to mention the fact that most people are totally creeped out by them and have no desire to come within a mile of either.
For a permanent fix to the problem, the only way forward is to bring a rat exterminator in. Present your findings to them and they’ll confirm whether your diagnosis of rat or mouse is correct. Then they’ll get to work sorting out your problem.
At Banish Pest Control, we know exactly how to get rid of your rodent invaders – forever.
Get in touch with us about our rodent control services today.